The UpgradeJS Blog

Articles about SonarQube

Set up a Local SonarQube Instance for OSS - Chapter 3

Welcome to the third installment in our series of blog posts on SonarQube!

In the first chapter, we guided you through the basic configuration of a local SonarQube instance, while in the second chapter, we demonstrated how to set up SonarQube and your application to display unit and end-to-end test data.

In this third chapter, we’ll explore the integration of SonarLint with WebStorm IDE to help you catch issues early on in the development process.

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Set up a Local SonarQube Instance for OSS - Chapter 2

SonarQube is an open-source platform developed by SonarSource that provides continuous inspection of code quality through static code analysis.

There are two ways to set up SonarQube analysis - you can select from the cloud solution (sonarcloud) or install a SonarQube instance on your machine or a remote server. In the first chapter we set up a local SonarQube instance and ran the analysis for a simple JavaScript application

In this chapter, we will continue to work with the same application and add more features to it.

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Set up a Local SonarQube Instance for OSS - Chapter 1

SonarQube is an open-source platform developed by SonarSource that provides continuous inspection of code quality through static code analysis.

There are two ways to set up SonarQube analysis - you can select from the cloud solution (sonarcloud) or install a SonarQube instance on your machine or a remote server. Today we will cover setting up a local SonarQube instance to analyze your code.

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