The UpgradeJS Blog

Articles about Learning

Webpack ALL The Assets!!

With the release of Rails 6, Webpack was introduced as the default JavaScript bundler by using the Webpacker gem. We tend to think about Webpack only as a tool to handle JavaScript files, but it can be used to handle all kinds of asset files. This article shows how to create a Rails app that uses only Webpack to handle all the assets, including images, fonts, styles and videos.

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What We Learned Developing Snap Minis (Part 1)

Over the last few months, we developed a couple of Snap Minis. Minis are small static web apps that are run inside a webview within the Snapchat native app.

One important part of the development was to make sure our Mini works well across different devices, especially making sure things work the same in both Android’s webview (Chrome by default) and iOS’s webview (Safari).

In this post I’ll talk about a few things to keep in mind when working with the Snap Canvas SDK and in the next one I’ll talk about some common and known issues you’ll encounter when making your app cross-mobile-browser compatible.

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